Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Ghosts

So, Odin had this idea for Donkey...

Since it was soooo cute on Donkey, I thought I'd see if Rio would wear it. He surprised me!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pedro and Jake

Well, Pedro has made friends with more than just humans!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Saddle

So, as you can see from the first two pictures, I've come to realize that my saddle (of 8 years) does not fit my rather large Quarter Horse! So, I set out to find out as much about saddle fit and saddle trees, riggings, etc as possible. The saddle maker at Grizzly Saddlery, here in Great Falls was a great help and patiently answered my qustions. So, I decided to begin looking at saddles, their pricing, and other information. Well, Odin and I were in Missoula this weekend and I found a used saddle that had all the specifications Rio and I needed, for a good price. So, I went out on a limb and bought it. It fits him well (as seen in the 3rd pic) and it is comfortably broke in already! I'll keep you posted on how it all goes! :o)